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SOFT SKILLS for Industry 4.0 – Implementing change!

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Every aviation company, especially production companies, aims to improve Industry 4.0 readiness. We know how important is to support managers in identifying strategic actions to reach this goal. And we are certain that key soft skills are necessary to reach maximum benefits from the adoption of I4.0 paradigms, especially higher competitiveness.

The transformation of the companies aiming to be effective within the Industry 4.0 frames requires not only a clear vision and strategy of change but also an effective communication of the strategy to the company employees.

Assessing Industry 4.0 readiness does not mean only measuring how much technical skills the employees have or to what extent a company adopted the key Industry 4.0 technologies such as Augmented Reality, Autonomous Robots, or the Internet of Things. For the long-term benefit of the company, we need to adapt our way of thinking.

The development of 6 soft skills defined by Sky 4.0 makes possible open dialog with the company staff in search of creative solutions to the new and specific problems. The guidelines for the aeronautical companies regarding Industry 4.0 implementation in the SOFT SKILLS for Industry 4.0 WHITE PAPER will hopefully open door to implement this change in practice.

Sky4.0 project final International Conference is around the corner!

Please save the date for the 1st of July 2021 at 11:00 CET when Sky 4.0 Team will host trainers, HR managers, aviation companies representatives to attend the event. Join current and future aviation industry workers and learn more about our key 6 soft skills. Learn first-hand, how these skills may support implementing the Industry 4.0 change in your company.

Pilots, engineers and aviation operation specialists put a spotlight on soft skills in the aviation sector!

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The Learn & Fly ERASMUS+ project team completed elaboration of the Careers KIT describing 60 different aviation professions: from designing, through manufacturing to air transport and flight operations. The young generation, mainly 15-17 years old students, were also engaged in aircraft construction projects. The challenge here was to inspire them to follow the carrier within the aerospace sector. That is why, as a project team, we had asked aviation professionals to provide testimonies for different occupations and their career paths. This way students could learn more about the real work environment.

Back then, we wanted to know what matters most for these professionals in mostly technical professional experience. We were also curious what message they would like to pass on to young future industry workers – youngsters, students, and interns. Now, reviewing these testimonies again, we were genuinely stroked by how often our respondents talk about…soft skills!

Is it surprising? Maybe a little bit, because in the survey we have not mentioned any social or personal soft skill nor even have asked about social or personal development. The questions we had asked were as follows: a. What do you like most about your professional work? b. What surprised or pleased you the most at work? Why would you recommend this career path to others? c. What difficulties did you encounter at work and how did you deal with them? d. Which part of the educational path was the most important? e. Other interesting experiences related to the industry?

In Poland, we have gathered 25 complete testimonies of Polish professionals working in diverse positions and with different specializations in Aviation Valley companies. The majority – 17 out of 25 of respondents mentioned soft skills as a part of their professional experience and as important as their technical and operational knowledge.

Many of the respondents described ABILITY OF ADAPTATION TO CHANGE as typical for the aviation sector:

  • I was surprised by the rapid rhythm of work and changes of priorities – you have to make decisions dynamically. Metallurgist
  • It requires you to focus, be flexible, and be responsible. It is [working in aviation] full of challenges, but you also would not be bored here. Junior Metallurgist
  • Continuous risk identification, process risk management, and keeping it at an acceptable level. Safety Manager

Others underlined the importance of COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY and TEAM BUILDING SKILLS:

  • I was positively surprised by how warm I was received by the employees who were willing to help and teach me. It is worth trying your hard at aviation, but it is a job that requires knowledge and openness to new challenges. Junior Constructor
  • Professional work also allows me to improve on what I have learned before as well as get to know and develop new solutions and technologies. Working in an aviation company also allows me to meet new people, cultures.Mechanical Engineer of Aircraft Engines
  • The most interesting aspect of the work is creativity, the ability to implement and verify your ideas, continuous development, and direct contact with highly specialized industries.Construction Engineer of Special Tools (Director of the department)
  • Interpersonal skills and creativity in the introduction of new solutions, good practices, or instructions for conduct are of great importance in my work. – Quality Control Engineer
  • There are several advantages to working at the airport, including the ability to work in English, communing with airplanes and other aircraft, the ability to prove yourself in emergencies requiring quick decisions, and acting under time pressure. – Airport Operational Officer

But that were pilots who expressed how INTELLECTUAL CURIOSITY and  complexity of skills required for the job is important:

  • For me, the most important part of the educational path was self-improvement and goal realization (…).Commercial Pilot (F.O. Airbus A320/321)
  • The implementation of the aviation task is associated with the involvement of all skills, abilities, attention – in one word – all resources.Rescue and Military Pilot (Major Rank)
  • In pilot education the most important are: fluency in English, spatial orientation, and the ability to the permanent acquisition of information and skills. The last is very important for processing this information for decisions to be made.Commercial Pilot (First Officer)

ANALYTICAL AND CRITICAL THINKING was also an important part of at least 10 testimonies such as:

  • The aviation industry is very demanding, which means that all tasks should be carried out very conscientiously and accurately. (…) Together with our colleagues, we create a well-coordinated team that solves the task together and help each other.Intern in Strength Analysis Department

Aeronautics requires mostly skills in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and the challenges related to them are well-defined and ambitious and give most of our respondents a strong feeling of purpose in their work. Nevertheless, coming changes related to Industry 4.0, are primarily the transition to a different level of communication between the organization and its environment. Therefore the Qualification Map for the aviation sector will need to include more and more soft skills. The industry workers already give these skills the importance which is going to grow stronger in coming years.

Está na hora de trabalhar as suas “soft skills”!

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Os parceiros da Sky4.0 trabalharam incansavelmente para preparar um conjunto de recursos de primeira qualidade para despertar o desenvolvimento das suas “soft skills”!


Com a indústria 4.0 a revolucionar o modo de funcionamento das empresas e das indústrias, as soft skills são um aspeto que não deve ser negligenciado! Dentro do Sky4.0 foi desenvolvido um conjunto de materiais de formação para o auto-desenvolvimento e currículos de formação que podem apoiar não só as necessidades dos indivíduos mas também as necessidades das empresas para elevar as soft skills do seu capital humano! Apesar dos materiais terem como principal “alvo” as empresas aeronáuticas, os materiais são acessíveis a todos, e a maioria deles foram concebidos de forma transversal, pelo que também se podem aplicar facilmente ao seu caso! Que comece a formação!

⇒ Explore o incrível conjunto de recursos preparado pelos parceiros da Sky4.0 AQUI !

Os eventos nacionais do Sky4.0: “Um voo à volta do mundo”

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Durante os últimos meses, três dos quatro parceiros do Sky 4.0 organizaram eventos nacionais, com o intuito de apresentar os materiais interativos e introduzir os futuros trabalhadores da aviação aos cursos online focados no desenvolvimento das soft skills. Cada país focou-se numa soft skill em particular:

  • Polónia: Flexibilidade Cognitiva, uma competência importante para uma entrevista de trabalho no setor da aviação – Workshops piloto na Aviation Valley!

A formação piloto para futuros trabalhadores da indústria aeronáutica em Rzeszów (Polónia) foi organizada no dia 11 de março de 2021 pela INNplus Sp. e a Aviation Valley, em cooperação com o Centro de Inovação de Podkarpackie. O workshop focou-se nas soft skills no local de trabalho para a Indústria 4.0 no setor da aviação, especialmente a flexibilidade cognitiva.

Através de exercícios dinâmicos e debates ativos, dinamizados por um especialista nas áreas de gestão e coahing, procurou-se responder às seguintes questões: Que tipo de trabalhadores a Indústria 4.0 precisa? Competências intrapessoais no local de trabalho – podem ser ensinadas? Como usar as competências intrapessoais na comunicação interpessoal?

O evento apoiou a introdução da futura geração de colaboradores da aeronáutica nos cursos online e materiais interativos com vista a apoiar o desenvolvimento das soft skills.

O evento online contou com 71 participantes, 45 estudantes das universidades técnicas em Rzeszów, oPznań, Wrocław, Jasło, and Oxford, 15 estudantes e professores de escolas de formação e educação vocacional e 11 representantes de empresas de aviação. Adicionalmente, os workshops foram transmitidos ao vivo para duas turmas de estudantes da Universidade Técnica de Rzeszów. O feedback positivo e a participação ativa na sessão de perguntas e respostas demonstraram que os participantes compreenderão a importância das soft skills desde o primeiro passo, como as entrevistas de recrutamento para qualquer posição no setor aeronáutico.

  • Espanha: Teste ao curso Moodle de Pensamento Analítico do Sky 4.0

O Evento Nacional espanhol decorreu no dia 1 de outubro de 2020 em formato online através da plataforma Teams. O principal objetivo do evento nacional espanhol foi a apresentação e teste do curso Moodle de Pensamento Analítico do Sky 4.0.

O grupo convidado para a sessão do Sky 4.0 consistia em alunos do Mestrado em Engenheira Aeroespacial do UPM e uma equipa de estudantes de Erasmus da ETSIA (École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées, Bidart, France). No total, o evento contou com a participação de 37 alunos e 4 professores.

Durante a sessão, os estudantes foram resumidamente introduzidos nos conteúdos desenvolvidos para cada soft skill e convidados a experimentar o curso de pensamento analítico. O curso foi realizado no Moodle local através do servidor da faculdade, de forma que o estudante conseguisse aceder ao mesmo à semelhança dos cursos académicos. Após os estudantes explorarem o curso, dinamizou-se uma discussão aberta de 30 minutos de forma obter feedback construtivo relativamente ao curso moodle.

Os estudantes referiram que o curso é de fácil navegação, mas consideraram que a possibilidade de interagir com o professor e outros estudantes durante o curso seria uma mais-valia útil. No geral, os alunos acharam o Moodle uma ferramenta importante para o desenvolvimento das soft skills, a incorporação das soft skills nas aulas e agilizar a realização das tarefas rotineiras. Adicionalmente, apontaram que a característica user-friendly é a chave para o sucesso dos cursos e respetivas atividades.

No geral, o feedback sobre o curso foi excelente. Foram apontadas ligeiras melhorias relativamente ao layout do curso e foram sugeridas correções para determinados erros. Os estudantes acharam a duração do curso apropriada e consideraram as atividades úteis e interessantes. Por fim, apesar de os participantes estarem familiarizados com a ideia de pensamento analítico, os conceitos e a abordagem do curso foram uma novidade para os mesmos.

  • Turquia: Workshop piloto para futuros trabalhadores do setor aeronáutico – Pensamento Crítico

O Evento Nacional Turco ocorreu no dia 15 de abril de 2021 e foi organizado em formato online de Izmir (Turquia), recorrendo à Plataforma Webex. Os principais objetivos do evento foram desenhados tendo em vista:

  • Fornecer informação sobre o projeto Sky 4.0 e a soft skill Pensamento crítico;
  • Introduzir a Plataforma Moodle e informar os estudantes sobre a sua utilização;
  • Fornecer uma breve definição e desenvolver uma compreensão inicial sobre o pensamento crítico e a resolução de problemas;
  • Recolher feedback dos estudantes através do desempenho das atividades.

O grupo convidado para o evento consistia em alunos da Ege University Aviation Higher Vocational School. No total, o evento contou com 34 estudantes e 1 membro consultor do Aviation Cluster Association.

Durante a sessão, os participantes foram informados sobre os objetivos do projeto e enquadrados no conceito de soft skills e Indústria 4.0. De forma a aumentar a participação do público foram exploradas questões na Plataforma Padlet. Os comentários e discussão foram efetivos e apoiaram na criação de uma compreensão clara do assunto. Antes de encerrar o evento, sucedeu-se uma sessão de perguntas e resposta onde foi recolhida a opinião dos alunos relativamente às soft skills do projeto e ao curso em si.

No geral, o feedback foi excelente! Os alunos estavam bastante interessados no conceito e demonstraram interesse em iniciar o curso online em breve. Os participantes partilharam sugestões de melhoria relativamente à Plataforma Moodle para alunos com incapacidade de visão e audição. Além disso, foram sugeridas ligeiras alterações de melhoria.

  • Portugal: Curiosidade Intelectual

O Evento Nacional português está planeado para maio de 2021, em breve partilharemos novidades sobre a sessão!

Testing the Sky 4.0 Moodle course on Analytical Thinking

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Because “practice makes perfect”, a group of Spanish and French students of Aerospace engineering with very promising results and a high level of acceptance has tested the Sky 4.0 Moodle course on analytical thinking.

The event took place on the 1st of October 2020 in the online format through a Teams session. The main objective of this national event was to present and test the Sky 4.0 Moodle course on analytical thinking.

The group invited to the Sky4.0 session consisted of students from the Master of Aerospace Engineering at the UPM and a reduced team of Erasmus students from the ETSIA (École Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées, Bidart, France). In total,  the meeting counted with the participation of 37 students and 4 teachers.

During the meeting, the attendants were briefed on the project and its objectives and outcomes. A brief explanation was made on the relevance of soft skills for future workers in the aerospace industry, and on the soft skills that have been found more relevant by the project. Students were also briefed about the contents that have been developed for each one of the soft skills, and they were invited to experiment with the course on analytical thinking.

This course was settled locally into the Moodle server of the university so the student could access it like they usually would access their academic courses. They went through the course and tried to do each activity for two periods including individual work with the platform, and interactive workshop. After that, an open discussion of 30 minutes took place about the course to get feedback from the students.

The overall feedback about the course was excellent. Some minor improvements to the layout and corrections of errors were suggested. In general, the students found the duration of the course appropriate and considered the activities useful and interesting. Even though the participants were already familiarized with the idea of analytical thinking, the concepts tackled by the course and the approach of the course were new to them.

Moreover, the students found the course easy to follow, without any teacher support or guide, but consider that having the possibility to interact with a teacher and other students during the course will be useful. Students did find Moodle important for developing soft skills, incorporate soft skills in their lessons, and facilitate everyone to streamline their routine tasks. Finally, they pointed out that a key to success is to make user-friendly courses and activities.

Uma Reflexão sobre o 3º Evento Internacional – um Webinar cheio de Inovação, Partilha e APRENDIZAGEM!

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Nos dias 30 e 31 de Março, o projeto Sky 4.0 apresentou o Webinar: “A Revolução Educativa: Aprendizagem Ativa para a Indústria 4.0 na Aviação”.

Durante os dois dias em que decorreu o webinar, concentramo-nos na aprendizagem ativa, uma abordagem de aprendizagem em que o estudante está envolvido no processo de ensino, e na construção da sua compreensão através da interação com os materiais e conhecimentos de aprendizagem. Mas porquê? – Pode perguntar-se… Para nós, a Aprendizagem Ativa é a solução para lidar com os novos desafios da Indústria 4.0! Ao aplicar a Aprendizagem Ativa nos nossos momentos de formação e ensino, podemos preparar os nossos correntes e futuros trabalhadores a lidar com a mudança, perturbação e inovação, não só para navegar na 4ª Revolução, mas também para liderar com sucesso a sua implementação e desenvolvimento!

Sky 4.0 incorpora integralmente a aprendizagem ativa, desenvolvendo todos os materiais de formação com momentos de reflexão, atividades práticas, e colaboração em grupo! O nosso mantra é o “No centro está o aluno/aprendiz”, uma vez que só assim podemos melhorar e trabalhar em nós próprios!

Durante o nosso webinar, explorámos a importância de mudar a forma como aprendemos! Primeiro com as nossas Mesas Redondas, onde os nossos especialistas salientaram a importância de preparar os nossos trabalhadores para a aprendizagem ao longo da vida, de atualizar o nosso Sistema Educativo para a sua versão 4.0, e da importância das soft skills (o melhor recurso no mundo tecnológico e que NÃO pode ser ensinado numa palestra de duas horas)!

Nos nossos workshops, não só salientámos a importância de um processo de aprendizagem ativo como também mostrámos como o Sky4.0 integra essa metodologia em atividades únicas (atividades de autoformação e outras lideradas por um formador).

Foi um momento marcado pela inovação, partilha e APRENDIZAGEM! Como os sábios costumam dizer “A vida é a viagem, não é o destino” e no Sky4.0 estamos a desfrutar esta aventura, por isso juntem-se a nós porque o nosso voo ainda não acabou!

Taking decisions…connecting the dots!

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How do we make decisions? What does it mean to think in a flexible way? Here is a little puzzle on cognitive flexibility for you. Take a look: Taking decisions – connecting the dots!

The workshops organized by the Sky4.0 partners,  INNpuls and Aviation Valley, that took place in Poland on the 11th of March were an enormous success! More than 100 students participated in this session and were always motivated to learn and exchange knowledge.

As for us…We continue to support the development of your soft skills, especially cognitive flexibility.

Have a look at a little puzzle which is a small sneak peek at the cognitive flexibility Moodle Course for future industry workers.

Sky4.0 on Moodle

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Sky 4.0 relies on Moodle for encouraging young talents in aerospace to improve their soft skills

Today, the learning process exploits a variety of electronic platforms, which, on the one hand, significantly increase the pool of students, but, on the other hand, hinder the development of soft skills, if the courses are not properly designed. Even more, the COVID-19 pandemic has suddenly accelerated this digital immersion.

Preparing students to face the challenges of the 21st century requires improving their soft skills by taking them beyond traditional classroom teaching and incorporating these values also in virtual learning. In the first instance, soft skills can be developed through active and interactive methods during in-class learning, but they should also be developed as well through well design interactive activities embodied in the electronics platforms that are currently part of the training and learning process.

To achieve this objective, we have built a kind of soft skills mentor supported by Moodle, to prepare young talents for the exciting yet challenging world beyond the technical subject studied in the classroom.

Moodle is a virtual learning platform that functions as a repository of course content and activities that can be used to teach soft skills. Moodle is one of these electronic tools commonly used for academic activities all around the world. It has become a standard, and students are well familiarized with it. Although up to now, Moodle has been mainly used for teaching and learning hard and technical skills, the synergies and scale factor of using Moodle for developing soft skills are huge.

This is not the first initiative promoting the development of soft skills supported by Moodle but it is the first one that concentrates on the soft skills required from future workers by industry 4.0. We are convinced that this approach to soft skills for young people will set the basis for future developments in this area.

Webinar: “The Educational Revolution: Active Learning for Industry 4.0 on Aviation”

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Join the Webinar “The Educational Revolution: Active Learning for Industry 4.0 on Aviation” on 30th and 31st of March at 11:00 (CET)

Sky4.0 is an Erasmus+ project that aims to help Aeronautical companies from different European countries to meet the challenges of Industry 4.0 by improving the soft skills of their human resources. Nowadays, to keep up with the fast pace of the world we need to daily work on ourselves, we need to “upgrade” to our best version! And how can we do that? By learning! Learning is the key to our personal development!

In Sky4.0 we acknowledge the importance of continuous development and realize how sometimes can be difficult to go through this journey of growth. Therefore, in this Webinar, we want to reach not only you – the trainer, teacher, and/or leader – who is worried about improving the team’s productivity and motivation but also you – the individual – who wants to learn new skills!

Probably now you’re wondering… but how can I do that?

The answer is ACTIVE LEARNING! To learn something we need to be engaged in the learning process…the era of being seated down listening to the teacher for several hours is gone! Due to Industry 4.0, our days are going faster and faster, we are more connected than ever and are always receiving lots of information. And so, training is important to keep up with the pace of the industry!

We know how the process of learning can be tough, especially when the target is not concrete, but something within us… So, in our project’s materials, the trainee is in the center!

In this Webinar, we will present our Erasmus+ project Sky4.0, its goals, and the main results so far. Afterward, with a strong panel of experts, we will discuss the impact of Industry4.0 on the Aeronautic Sector and Educational System. To conclude, we will explore how the training of soft skills can be potentiated through the focus on each trainee’s individuality! We will work on:#Active Learning #Soft skills for Industry 4.0 #The Generations #Future of Education #Future of Industry 

The webinar is free and open to all! We promise to make it as interactive as possible!

⇒  Register here! ⇐

Check out the agenda of the event:

Fly to the future with Sky4.0 and skill-UP

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Sky4.0 and skill-UP are two ERASMUS+ projects that focus on the innovation and development of new skills and good practices in the aerospace and aviation sector.

In today’s world, there is an incredible amount of competition for jobs and people are realizing that a college degree is not enough to make it into the job market! Skill-UP and Sky4.0 are here to help current and future aeronautic workers navigate the labour market by understanding the necessary competences one needs to have.

Skill-UP aims to define the knowledge, skills, and competences that future workers from the aeronautic sector are required to have. Afterward, the project will develop VET training programs to cooperate on the innovation of the sector and the skilling, upskilling, and reskilling of workers in the air transport industry, a portfolio of training assessment tools, and a knowledge centre platform designed to collect all outputs of the project.

The first result of skill-UP is already available and consists of a detailed report “From Theory to Practice: Understanding user-profiles and training needs” focused on perceiving how theoretical and practical knowledge acquired through education and training prior to employment is later applied in the workplace. Also, another task of this report was to develop Personas, namely the target users of the future aviation VET training programs, to describe the competences (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) needed to undertake the essential tasks in the future operational scenarios and related training needs.

Sky4.0 wants to help improve the development of soft skills among the human resources of aeronautical companies and future workers of the sector. Therefore, with the cooperation of projects like skill-UP, it’s possible to improve the knowledge of current aerospace and aviation employees and fight the gap in pre-employment training by promoting the acquisition of skills and competences that students might need in their future employment at industry 4.0 companies.

Both projects are developing materials and new procedures that are going to provide helpful insights into the future of aeronautic and its workers. Let’s continue flying together into the future!

  • Find out the conclusions of the skill-UP report here. 
  • Follow the link to learn more about the skill-UP project: https://www.skillup-air.eu/
  • Explore the resources developed in the sky4.0 project here.